Friday, October 4, 2019

The Influence of the Age of Enlightenment Essay Example for Free

The Influence of the Age of Enlightenment Essay The Age of Enlightenment is characterised by the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and America. During this time, developments in philosophy, science, art, religion, and politics occurred along with the growing doubt in the teachings of the Church and even the existence of God. Philosophers such as Descartes, Bacon, and Luther promoted the search for truth based on the application of human reason. In addition, correct method of reasoning was mostly applied in the sciences and mathematics to understand the world, and explain phenomena. Such reasoning may have led Darwin and his followers to the development of scientific world theories such as the evolution later on. Among the forerunners of the period, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) characterised mans motives as reflections of his own pleasure and pain. He is most famous for his concept of the social contract which suggests that a society be run by a single ruler who controls everything and has power over every man, including their motives and impulses. In addition, John Locke (1632-1704) became very famous with his belief that the human mind is a tabula rasa or a black slate, which is opposed to the Puritan belief that each individual is born with original sin and is responsible for social injustice. Voltaire (1694-1778), a prominent French social critic, essayist, poet, playwright and philosopher during his time offered the society his views which later served as inspiration to the French revolutionists. In particular, his views on religion challenged the Catholic Church in claiming that the churchs dogmas are incorrect and misleading. He further believed that religion alone cannot save a man. His criticism of the French government in favor of its English counterpart led to his exile in 1734. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was also one prominent philosopher during the Age of Enlightenment. He attracted public attention with his rejection of conformity to the contemporary society. In doing so, he clearly pronounced his call for reformation in general. In particular, he upheld the moral and legal equality of man, the sovereignty of the people, and the authority of the general will'[1]. Further to the application of human reason, the period saw the rise of sceptics, encyclopedists, and deists who shaped the mindset of the people, and affected much their way of life, including the arts produced during the time. Visual artists of the 1700s were either preoccupied or limited to Rococo especially women who struggled much to establish their niche. Rococo paintings produced during this time often dealt with human and still life subjects, and emphasised airy grace and refined pleasure'[2] found in portrayal of beauty in delicate fabrics, jewelry, porcelains, etc. Also, wooded scenes, artful dances, women, and portraiture specially nude ones were very common. Among the renowned visual artists during this time was Antoine Watteau (1684-1721). In his works, we can note that the search of man for reason during this time was so intense. Specifically in Pierrot, we see the subject flanked by four other figures—the Doctor on his donkey, Là ©andre, Isabelle and the Capitaine'[3]which signify the relation of man with other individuals thus complementing his existence. Likewise, in his other paintings, we see the portrayal of the compete beauty and drama of life. Francis Boucher (1703-1770) dealt on pastoral subjects, and women including the Virgin and the goddess Venus. Although his works still mirror Italian influence, we can see the development of a reformation from the background of the subjects in his works. Jean Fragonard (1732-1806), another Rococo painter expressed vividly his times yearning for reason in that his subjects were seen to be either reading or writing. Also, his work, A Young Girl Reading is representative of the Baroque style that flourished after Rococo. The artists during the early 17th century mostly exhibited Italian influence and a lot of them dealt on   Greek mythology. However, from the backdrop of the paintings we studied, a foreshadowing of the neoclassical art could be established. Sculptors during the enlightenment include Jean Antoine Houdon (1741-1828) who was the best portrait sculptor of his time and perhaps of all time'[4]. His legacies include portraits of the most important figures in his time including Voltaire, George Washington, Diderot, Franklin, etc. Ideally representing his period were Houdons woks which reveal the very essential quality of man—his reason which we can note in   expression of his subjects—from the pupils of their eyes, the robustness of their chest, and the lines on their flesh. Overall, he focused on people as his subjects, and revealed eloquence and greatness expressed in brows, hair, and facial lines. In Flayed Man (1767), Houdon clearly shows us how the science of anatomy can be combined with arts. Neoclassicism gave way to the expression of reason, thus artists found more themes to express their views and style. Literary writings which emanated during this time include different genres such as prose, poetry, drama, novel, and exposition.   Among the said genres, the novel became the major literary vehicle for writers specially for women authors, first in France, then in England. In addition, Neoclassicism voiced the writers disdain for irrational customs and outworn institutions as evident in the satirical masterpieces of Candide (1759) and Voltaire. Among the essays produced during this time, satyrs were the most common, as writers constantly searched for ways to mirror the government and society. Philosophes flourished specially in France, with Charles de Montesquieu as one of the earliest representations of the movement. Also, a well known author was Alexander Pope who wrote   The Essay on Criticism (1711) in which he argued that a work must be evaluated according to the purpose it serves and the writers intention in it. Among the famous novels produced, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (1659-1731) chiefly represents the ideals made popular by the philosophes during this period. Primarily, the idea of Hobbes of going back to the primitive life is shown, which is victoriously survived by the protagonist, the protest of Voltaire and other deists against religion, and the constant search for meaning as evident in Crusoes journey to the Indies. Other novels written include Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels, and Samuel Richardsons Clarissa. The famous names of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), and Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) occupy the music arena during this period. From the works of Bach to those of Beethoven, we can sense a transformation in style and form. The early classical works specifically those of Handel were mostly grand operas and cantatas, while those of his successors were mostly symphonies and piano concertos. Although a lot of famous artists were considerably men, the arts produced during the Age of Enlightenment also recognised the image of the women in the society. Along with this, the philosophers, writers, and critics of this time considered the situation of the middle class in their writings, and criticised slavery and oppression. The period saw the rise of reform in the attitude of the people, and gave birth to French revolution and other revolutionary theories. Bibliography Hackett, Lewis, The European Dream of Progress and Enlightenment, World History Centre, 1992, retrieved 6 December 2007,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Phelan, Joseph, Jean-Antoine Houdon: Sculptor of the Enlightenment, Artcyclopedia, 2003, retrieved 7 December 2007, Stein, Perrin, Franà §ois Boucher (1703–1770), Timeline of Art History, 2003, retrieved 7 December 2007, Pioch, Nicolas, Watteau, Jean-Antoine, Webmuseum, 2002, retrieved 7 December 2007, Rempel, Gerhard, Age of Enlightenment,   Western New English College, 2000, retrieved 7 December 2007, [1] L Hackett, The European dream of progress and enlightenment, World History Centre, 1992, retrieved 6 December 2007, [2]  Ã‚  Ã‚   ibid. [3] N Pioch, Watteau, Jean-Antoine, Webmuseum, 2002, retrieved 7 December 2007, [4]   J Phelan, Jean-Antoine Houdon: sculptor of the enlightenment, Artcyclopedia, 2003 retrieved 7 December 2007,

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